Senin, 27 Maret 2017

LEGO-fied me

LEGO-fied Me
LEGO-fied Me

Guess who's back?!

The brickednexus is finally back from an unplanned hiatus (my apologies), and now looking back, I realized that it should have been planned in the first place. I'm sure a lot of procrastinators out there would understand.

Anyhow, I've just overcame a major obstacle (hint: see attached picture), so now I can blog about my favorite bricks at last! And what's the best way to celebrate than to LEGO-fy yourself? (One of my secret dreams is to have an official LEGO minifigure! I guess that's not so secret anymore).

By the way, thank you very much to Firestar Toys for the custom torso! 'Super loved it! For the other parts, I just mixed and matched the pieces that I have.

How about you? Share your LEGO-fied version of yourself!

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