Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016

LEGO star wars advent calendar 2016

LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 2016 [75146]
LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar 2016 [75146]

It's already the 24th of December, and today marks the end of the LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar [75146]...

As my first advent calendar, I immensely enjoyed the 2016 version of my favorite brick theme from a galaxy far, far away. Opening a door everyday (or in my case every other day or two) and discovering each surprise gave me simple festive joys. Snow Chewbacca, U-3PO, and the Hoth Snowman are few of the notable ones. The microbuilds were also ingeniously designed using only a small number of bricks.

What's behind Doors 1 to 24?
What's behind Doors 1 to 24?

I initially planned to do a daily blog on this, but my long work hours didn't permit me to do so. So, here is a simple gallery to present my little holiday babies:

Day 1: Slave I
Day 1: Slave I

Day 2: Bespin Guard
Day 2: Bespin Guard

Day 3: TIE Interceptor
Day 3: TIE Interceptor

Day 4: Imperial Navy Trooper
Day 4: Imperial Navy Trooper

Day 5: Anti-infantry Battery
Day 5: Anti-infantry Battery

Day 6: Snowtrooper
Day 6: Snowtrooper

Day 7: Hoth Snowman
Day 7: Hoth Snowman

Day 8: P-Tower
Day 8: P-Tower

Day 9: Hoth Rebel Trooper
Day 9: Hoth Rebel Trooper

Day 10: Republic Attack Cruiser
Day 10: Republic Attack Cruiser

Day 11: Armored Assault Tank
Day 11: Armored Assault Tank

Day 12: Droid Gunship
Day 12: Droid Gunship

Day 13: Battle Droid
Day 13: Battle Droid

Day 14: Jedi Starfighter
Day 14: Jedi Starfighter

Day 15: Tantive IV
Day 15: Tantive IV

Day 16: U-3PO
Day 16: U-3PO

Day 17: Gonk Droid
Day 17: Gonk Droid

Day 18: Jabba's Palace
Day 18: Jabba's Palace

Day 19: Luke Skywalker
Day 19: Luke Skywalker

Day 20: Desert Skiff
Day 20: Desert Skiff

Day 21: Stormtrooper
Day 21: Stormtrooper

Day 22: Imperial Landing Craft
Day 22: Imperial Landing Craft

Day 23: Sleigh
Day 23: Sleigh

Day 24: Snow Chewbacca
Day 24: Snow Chewbacca

Happy holidays everyone!!!

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